Quicker, more intelligent programming, with less bugs. Those are the guarantees originating from the makers of the most recent round of programming languages to catch the consideration of developers. The eventual fate of coding requires dependability and great practices so our advancements will work. Truth be told, our activities are regularly so much greater now, we require the development like never before.

On the off chance that there's a typical subject among the programming languages I depict underneath, it's that expanding robotization can yield code deserving of the expressions "quicker, more quick witted, and sans bug." The more current methodologies incorporate more structure and more reflection, permitting the guts of the programming languages to do what developers used to need to do themselves. These mechanized components give the software engineer more influence to focus on the enormous issues. By and large, they likewise deliver better execution in light of the fact that the mechanized instruments are better ready to discover open doors for effectiveness and parallel calculation, while dispensing with a portion of the basic missteps that lead to blunders.

 A few are intended to modernize great programming languages. Some aren't even programming languages by any stretch of the imagination—they're just preprocessors. Still, every one of them are changing how we're composing code today and establishing the framework for the fate of coding.

9 Most In-Demand Programming Languages in 2016


C++ (declared C-in addition to in addition to) is a universally useful item arranged programming dialect in light of the prior "C" dialect. Created by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs, C++ was initially discharged in 1983. Stroustrup keeps a broad rundown of utilizations written in C++. The rundown incorporates Adobe and Microsoft applications, MongoDB databases, huge segments of Mac OS/X and is the best dialect to learn for execution basic applications, for example, "jerk" diversion improvement or sound/video preparing.

2. Ruby on Rails

Like Java or the C dialect, Ruby is a universally useful programming dialect, however it is best known for its utilization in web programming, and Rails serves as a system for the Ruby Language. Ruby on Rails has numerous positive qualities including quick improvement, you don't require as much code, and there are a wide assortment of outsider libraries accessible. It's utilized from organizations running from little new businesses to huge ventures and everything in the middle. Hulu, Twitter, Github and Living Social are utilizing Ruby on Rails for no less than one of their web applications.  

3. Python

Python is a broadly useful programming dialect that was named after the Monty Python (so you know it's amusing to work with)! Python is basic and amazingly discernable since nearly looks like the English dialect. It's an incredible dialect for novices, as far as possible up to prepared experts. Python as of late knock Java as the dialect of decision in basic programming courses with eight of the main 10 software engineering divisions now utilizing Python to show coding, and in addition 27 of the main 39 schools. In light of Python's utilization in the instructive domain, there are a great deal of libraries made for Python identified with science, material science and characteristic preparing. PBS, NASA and Reddit use Python for their sites.

4. Java

The tech group as of late commended the twentieth commemoration of Java. It's a standout amongst the most generally received programming dialects, utilized by somewhere in the range of 9 million engineers and running on 7 billion gadgets around the world. It's likewise the programming dialect used to build up all local Android applications. Java's notoriety with designers is because of the way that the dialect is grounded in lucidness and effortlessness. Java has backbone since it has long haul similarity, which ensures more established applications keep on working now into what's to come. It's not going anyplace at any point in the near future and is utilized to power organization sites like, and

5. JavaScript
JavaScript – not to be mistaken for Java – is another of the world's most prominent and effective programming dialects, and is utilized to flavor up site pages by making them intelligent. For instance, JavaScript can be utilized to add impacts to website pages, show pop-up messages or to make diversions with fundamental usefulness. It's likewise significant that JavaScript is the scripting dialect of the World Wide Web and is incorporated right with all real web programs including Internet Explorer, FireFox and Safari. Verging on each site fuses some component of JavaScript to add to the client experience, adding to the interest for JavaScript designers. As of late JavaScript has likewise picked up use as the establishment of Node.js, a server innovation that in addition to other things empowers continuous correspondence.

6. SQl

It's nothing unexpected SQL (professed 'spin-off') tops the employment list since it can be found far and wide in different flavors. Database innovations, for example, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server control enormous organizations, little organizations, healing facilities, banks, colleges. To be sure, pretty much every PC and individual with access to innovation inevitably touches something SQL. Case in point, all Android telephones and iPhones have entry to a SQL database called SQLite and numerous versatile applications created Google, Skype and DropBox use it specifically.

7. iOS/Swift
In 2014, Apple chose to concoct their own programming dialect. The outcome was Swift – another programming dialect for iOS and OS X engineers to make their next executioner application. Engineers will find that numerous parts of Swift are natural from their experience of creating in C++ and Objective-C. Organizations including American Airlines, LinkedIn, and Duolingo have rushed to embrace Swift, and we'll see this dialect on the ascent in the coming years.

8. C#

Dating from 2000, C# (proclaimed C-sharp) is a generally new programming dialect outlined by Microsoft for an extensive variety of big business applications that keep running on the .NET Framework. An advancement of C and C++, the C# dialect is basic, cutting edge, sort safe and item situated.

9. PHP

Made by Danish-Canadian software engineer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, PHP was never really proposed to be another programming dialect. Rather, it was made to be an arrangement of instruments to help Rasmus keep up his Personal Home Page (PHP). Today, PHP (Hypertext Pre-Processor) is a scripting dialect, running on the server, which can be utilized to make pages written in HTML. PHP has a tendency to be a well known dialects since its simple to use by new software engineers, additionally offers huge amounts of cutting edge highlights for more experienced developers.

This is not an official list but my personal view on this, you can also share your views in the comment box.

So, what's your say on this? What are your top 9 programming languages of 2016?

A young ambitious guy who reside in Lagos. A future chemical engineer with good dreams and plan for the industry. With me it's fun all the way.

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